Rebecca Hawthorn
Rebecca is a contemporary New Zealand artist who was born and raised in Auckland. She studied design in the 90s and went on to enjoy a long and creative career in the fashion industry. In 2018 Rebecca made the decision to leave fashion behind to devote herself full-time to painting.
Initially launching her career doing portrait commissions, Rebecca’s work now encompasses a wide variety of subject matter. Most recently Rebecca has commenced a body of work exploring her childhood relationship to nature, recreating the views remembered whilst stretched out beneath shady trees on clear sunlit afternoons. These works of treetop greenery and flowers are whimsical and day dreamy. Rebecca still enjoys painting portraits, and her large scale black and white pieces are dramatic and moody, with occasional splashes of bold colour and the viewers focus always being drawn back to the eyes. She works predominately in acrylics and pastels, enjoying the immediacy and freedom they offer.
Rebecca has had work selected for the Lysaght Watt Trust Art Awards, the Cleveland National Art Awards, the Craigs Aspiring Art Prize and the Hibiscus and Bays Art Awards.

Unmet Truths

Finding Sunshine

My Slice of Paradise

Summer Flush
