The real deal for fundraising. If you are a school or business looking to raise a bit of cash we’re here to help. Art fairs are lucrative fund raisers for schools and businesses, but times are changing and many operations have had to put their fund raising events into the too-hard basket… but we have a plan to save you the faff and hold a fundraiser for you. This is how it works:
- Register your school or business with Bunny.
- We will issue your organisation with a special code.
- Tell your buyers about bunny, and ask them to apply the code for your organisation to any purchase they make.
- And then the good stuff happens. Bunny will donate 10% of every sale (that is attached to your unique code) to your organisation.
Bunny. Bringing crazy talented New Zealand artists and discerning art collectors together with a smartly curated line-up of original and very collectable artworks.
Learn more about our fundraising opportunity here.